Dr. Jörg Köhn [BILD] Home > > Publications > > Books Home Publications References Regional Manager Teaching Personal Impressum copy - Impressum [BILD] [BILD] Books | Monographies Articles in Referenced Journals | Reviews from Books in Referenced Journals Abstracts for Articles at International Conferences | Chapters in Books Books [BILD] 014 KÖHN, J., 2002. The Political Economy of Sustainability : Towards Integrating Economic, Social and Environmental Factors. Advances in Ecological Economics Series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (ISBN 1-85898 934-5). 013 KÖHN, J., 2002 (ed.). Klimaschutz mit Ökosystemen. Marburg: Metropolis (Climate Protection with Ecosystems). 012 KÖHN, J., J. GOWDY and J. VAN DER STRAATEN, 2001 (eds.). Sustainability in Action : Sectoral and Regional Case Studies. Advances in Ecological Economics Series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (ISBN 1-84064-067-7). 011 KÖHN, J., 2000. Environmental Policy. Academia Istropolitana Nova, Sväty Jur, Slovakia. 010 KÖHN, J., 2000. Ecological Economics. Academia Istropolitana Nova, Sväty Jur, Slovakia. [BILD] 009 KÖHN, J., GOWDY, J., F. HINTERBERGER and J. VAN DER STRAATEN, 1999 (eds.). Sustainability in Question: The Search for a Conceptual Framework. Advances in Ecological Economics Series. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (ISBN 1-84064-050-2). 008 KÖHN, J., 1998. Ökologische Ökonomie. Universität Rostock. (Ecological Economics). 007 KÖHN, J., 1998. Umweltpolitik. Universität Rostock. (Environmental policy). top [BILD] 006 KÖHN, J., and J. GOWDY, 1997 (eds.). Implications of Ecological Economics to Regional Economics . Rostocker Beiträge zur Regional- und Strukturpolitik, 10 (ISSN 0947-6016) 005 KÖHN, J., 1997 (Hrsg.). Umwelt und Tourismus . Berlin: Analytica. (Environment and Tourism, ISBN 3-929342-24-3 [BILD] 004 KÖHN, J., und M.J. WELFENS, 1996 (Hrsg.): Neue Ansätze in der Umweltökonomie . Marburg: Metropolis. (New Approaches in Environmental Economics, ISBN 3-89518-097-1) 003 KÖHN, J., and U. SCHIEWER, 1995 (eds.). The Future of the Baltic – Ecology, Economics, Administration, and Teaching. Marburg: Metropolis. (ISBN 3-926570-96-2) 002 KÖHN, J., und U. LAUE, 1993, (Hrsg.). Umwelt, Verkehr und Tourismus in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Bamberg: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. (Environment, Transportation and Tourism in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, ISBN 3-927392-37-5) 001 KÖHN, J., M.B. JONES and A. MOFFAT, 1992 (eds.). Taxonomy, Biology and Ecology of (Baltic) Mysids. Rostock: Rostock University Press. (ISBN 3-86009-087-9) top intranet