born 1959 married, two children |
1978 Abitur
1981 - 1986 Study, "Marine Ecology", University of Rostock
1986 - 1988 Research study, University of Rostock
1989 - 1990 Scientific employee, University of Rostock
1990 - 1998 College assistent in microeconomy and competition,
Structure of regional and environmental economics at the
Economic and Social Studies Department of the University of Rostock
1993 - 1998 Extracurricular activity as environmental expert and municipal advisor
1998 Dr. Jörg Köhn, Independent Office of Advice
2000 - 2004 MBA–Study at the Graduate School for Business and Administration,
Zürichseee and State University of New York Albany
2001 Manager, Dr. Jörg Köhn Company of Innovation
2002 - 2004 Regional manager Westmecklenburg
2002 - 2005 MBA – Study at the Universität für Bodenkunde Wien und am
Europäischen Institut für Postgraduale Studien an der TU Dresden,
Abschluss als MBA
- Diploma, Rostock, 1986: “Malacostraca der Ostsee: Bestimmungstabellen mit Angaben zur Ökologie und Verbreitung der Arten.” (Malacostracaen Crustacea of the Baltic Sea: Identification key, Ecology, and Distribution of the Species)
- Ph.D., Rostock, 1989: “Zur Ökologie sandiger Böden der Mecklenburger Bucht.” (The Ecology of Sandy Bottoms in the Western Baltic Sea)
- Diploma, ETH Zürich und Graduate School for Business and Administration Zürichsee, 2004: "Möglichkeiten der Rechtseinräumung im Urhebervertragsrecht”
- MBA, Universität für Bodenkunde Wien, 2005: „Unternehmens-, Finanzierungs- und Marke-tingkonzepte in regionalen Entwicklungsprozessen“
- Walter and André de Nottbeck Foundation, Finland, 1988, 1990-92
- DAAD, 1990, 1996
- German Marshall Funds of the US, 1997
- Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft e.V., International Training Programs
- Bremen, Ecological Economics
- Rensselear Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York, PhD – Programs, Ecological Economics, Regional Economics
- Economics of Space and Environment, University of Rostock
- Study of Political Economics, Wismar College
- Study of Political Economics, University of Rostock
- Academia Istropolitana Nova, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Summer School, Academy of Science in Bologna, Italien
- Summer School, Academia Istropolitana Nova, Bratislava, Slovakia
Reviews für Internationale Verlage und Journale Reviewer - Routledge London and New York - Edward Elgar, Cheltenham - International Journal for Ecological Economics - Environmental Values - Environment and Planning, serie C: Government and Policy
Regional Editor - International Journal of Sustainable Development - International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology |