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before 1998
025 Biele, S. and contributors, 1997. Proposal for the ecological spatial differentiation and mapping of the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea at the coasts of Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania. Department of Agriculture and Nature Protection of the State Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania.

024 Köhn, J. and A. Köhn, 1997. Monitoring of the infauna of the Northern Peenestrom and the Southern Baltic Sea (Pommersche Bucht). Monitoring Report 1996. Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Stralsund.

023 Hering, G. and J. Köhn, 1996. Impacts of caging of marine fish to marine organisms and the marine environment. Federal Agency of Nature Protection.

022 Köhn, J., 1996. The submerse vegetation (Makrophytobenthos) of the Strelasund and the Southwestern Arkona See. Hansestadt Stralsund.

021 Köhn, J., 1995. Modelling structure and functions of rural tourism. Entwicklungs- und Trägergesellschaft Kühlung-Salzhaff mbH.

020 Köhn, J., 1995. Environmental Impact Assessment and the structure of infauna populations in the Peenestrom and the Southern Arkona-See. Federal Agency for Limnology Berlin.

019 Köhn, J., 1995. Environmental Impact Assessment and the structure of infauna populations in the Strelasund and in the Southwestern Arkona-See. Hansestadt Stralsund.

018 Bänder, C., J. Köhn and M. Schargitz, 1994. Regional analysis Salzhaff-Kühlung. Ent-wicklungs- und Trägergesellschaft Kühlung-Salzhaff mbH.

017 Consortium, 1994. Visions and targets of an environmental friendly development in the coastal region of Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania. Federal Agency of the Environment, UBA-Texte 32/94, 33/94.

016 Gehring, M. and contributors, 1994. Tourism concept for Rerik. Ostseebäder Küh-lungsborn and Rerik.

015 Gehring, M. and contributors, 1994. Tourism concept for Kühlungsborn. Ostseebäder Kühlungsborn and Rerik.

014 Köhn, J. and contributors, 1994. Structural analysis and development concept of the City of Putbus and its cultural and natural potentials. Stadt Putbus.

013 Köhn, A. and Köhn, J. 1994. Structural concept for the development of consumer markets in the region of Wolgast-Usedom. Kreisverwaltung Wolgast.

012 Köhn, J., 1994. District of Rugia, Structural economic analysis of Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania in the process of economic adaptation, Part 2, Regional Proc-esses of Adaptation, Department of Economy of the State Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania.

011 Köhn, J., 1994. Tourism, Structural economic analysis of Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania in the process of economic adaptation, Part 2, Regional Processes of Adaptation, Department of Economy of the State Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania.

010 Hering, G. and contributors, 1994. Regional development on the basis of landscape and ecological tourism. Amt Bützow-Land.

009 Köhn, J., 1994. Environmental lmpact Assessment and the structure of Makrozoobenthos in the Peenestrom from Wolgast/City Harbour to Position Klappstelle-Süd (Greifswalder Bodden). Federal Agency of Limnology.

008 Köhn, J. and contributors, 1994. Development plan for the Nationalpark Vorpommer-sche Boddenlandschaft. Group of State Departments.

007 Köhn, J., 1992. Tourism and the Environment. Department of Economy, State of Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania.

006 Page, K, G. Behrens and J. Köhn, 1991. Health and the Environment in Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania. Universität Rostock.

005 Richter, A. and J. Köhn, 1990. Ecological Analysis and recommendations for the economy in Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania. Universität Rostock.

004 Köhn, J. and G. Behrens, 1990. Ecological – economic analysis for an oil refinery in Rostock. Hansestadt Rostock.

003 Köhn, J. and G. Behrens, 1990. An economic – ecological analysis of water suppliers in Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania. Nordwasser GmbH Rostock.

002 Köhn, J. 1989. Ecology of sandy bottoms in the Mecklenburg Bight. Universität Rostock.

001 Köhn, J. 1986. Malacostraca of the Baltic Sea – Identification keys and the ecology and distribution of species. Universität Rostock.